Do I Need to Lose Weight

I caught my reflection in a store window I was walking past the other day and realized that this old frame of mine appeared to be a little larger than the last time I looked. Nothing untoward, and I won’t be reaching for the books on obesity in my local library for sure, but it was enough ti get me onto a set of scales to weigh myself and see.

Well, appearances can be deceptive, as they say, but this time the appearance of my reflection was showing me what the scales confirmed. I was four pounds heavier than I like to be and that, for me is a real problem. To most folks, it would be no more than a shrug and a “who cares” attitude, but to me it means I need to get rid of those extra pounds and I’m teh kind of guy who will not rest until its done!

I already get plenty of exercise, or so I thought, by walking my dogs and going for a daily swim, but what had happened was the dreaded festive season got in the way and with family togetherness being the order of those fun filled days, some of that exercise got missed. Combine that with the extra food that you just can’t avoid at this time of the year unless you want to go live on top of a remote mountain someplace, and that adds up to a little weight gain, even for pretty fit and healthy guys like me (despite my age, I hasten to add).

What will I be doing to get rid of the excess?

Ha! No fancy diets for me. I already got back in my daily exercise routine and I’m eating my regular diet which is pretty healthy anyway. I reckon in a couple weeks, I’ll be back to level weight again and will have forgotten all about this little blip on the otherwise unblemished health scale of one Edwyn Prose!

Ha! If everyone thought like me, the weight loss industry would go out of business overnight! Lucky for them most folks don’t. See ya again when I’m lighter!

Edwyn Prose

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One Comment on “Do I Need to Lose Weight”

  1. Justin Says:

    I think a better question to answer would be “Do I feel Healthy”?

    and of course, more importantly:

    “Am I healthy” 🙂 … usually a doctor can handle that one!


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