Archive for October 2008

Ventless Portable Air Conditioner

October 4, 2008

I’m back again and want to mention something that was pretty useful this summer, although now its pretty much over for this year it may seem like a little late, but its worth mentioning it all the same.

That’s the ventless air conditioner that I got for this summer and what a neat investment it turned out to be.

Ok, my house already has full air conditioning and has for many years, but running the system was starting top get more and more costly as electricity prices kept increasing.

Not only that, but I’m trying to do my part for the environment and includes cutting back on the power that my household is using.

Save Energy

So I thought to myself earlier this year, just before the weather started to get hot, that I might like to really cut down on the power I’m using to keep myself cool on those really hot days.

Well, I wasn’t about to go without air conditioning completely, as it gets pretty damn hot in these parts during the summer months. The alternative was so simple and it was staring me in the face every time I visited the hardware store.

Swamp Cooler

There was always this contraption staring at me as I walk in the door and I never really even looked at it twice before.

Then one day I was in there and the machine was humming away, so guy who runs the store saw me looking at it and mentioned that his air system had broken down in the store and he was using that ventless portable air conditioner to keep it cool.

Except he called it a swamp cooler.

I realized straight away that was the answer to my dilemma. It uses a whole load less power than my whole house system and when I think about it, me and my wife only tend to occupy one room at a time, so this was perfect.

Just unplug it and wheel it into another room when we move around the place. What a simple idea.

So I bought me one and set it up and used it all summer, cutting my power consumption by over two thirds

That’s good for my bank balance and good for the environment!

Edwyn Prose