Archive for February 2009

Ergonomic Office Furniture for Comfort

February 7, 2009

Well I do a fair portion of my work from home these days as I’m supposed to be retired but I like to keep my hand in. So I have my own office at home and in here is where I keep my eye on my own former empire, while working on building up a new one (even though I’m not really supposed to be doing anything other than enjoying my retirement). Well, it makes doing this all the more comfortable because I have some ergonomic office furniture to make my life in my (semi) retirement years as comfy as possible!

So what is it all about, using this carefully adjusted and contoured office furniture? Its about comfort and nothing else, of course!

I’ve seen some absolutely terrible office furniture for sale in some of the cheap outlets like Wal Mart and Staples and while it looks ok and maybe for the first few weeks it’ll feel ok, I can tell just ny looking at it that its going to be damn uncomfortable for anyone who has to spend more than a few hours sitting in it every day.

Why would you waste good money on garbage like that just because it has a cheap price tag and looks good? Well, I guess they got you if you’re on a tight budget and you see something like a reclining office chair with real leather and you’re bowled over at the price if its under $100. Little do you know that the great looking piece of office furniture is going to give you a bad back within a few weeks of heavy use and probably will not seem like the bargain it was when you first bought it!

Bottom line id, folks, if you can afford to spend some more, then buy good quality office furniture, especially your office chair because your rear is going to be spending a lot of time on that seat and your back is similarly going to be spending a lot of time propped up against the back of the chair. A well fitting, ergonomic office chair with lumbar support is priceless for protecting your back and ensuring you sit with a good posture.

Its worth the extra money, believe me, I know!

Edwyn Prose