Posted tagged ‘point’

Who Is Edwyn Prose?

June 15, 2008

Welcome to my new weblog at WordPress! I’m Edwyn Prose and this is where I’m gonna tell you some about me. First up, I’m a retired businessman, so that gives you some idea as to where I’m coming from. I’ve seen plenty in my life so far and travelled some as well, so I’ve got something to talk about.

Second, I get the feeling that I can see things that very few people can see, or more’s likely they don’t want to see. I see the truth in a lot of things that are swept under the table by folks that don’t like the way things look, so they get ignored. Just like an ostrich with his head buried in the sand, most people seem to live their lives these days, although it wasn’t always like this.

Which is one reason I like writing.

I can say what’s on my mind without having my wife call me a grumpy old man! Ha! Well, if telling the truth makes me grumpy, then hell I’m a grumpy old so and so! I’d rather be thought of as a person who tells it like it is, rather than the pathetic ostriches that surround me.

Well, maybe that gives anyone who cares to read this thing an insight as to what’s in store. My views on what I see eveyday around me, what I can read between the lines on many subjects and on what real life is, which incidentally has little to do with what you see on the TV, despite most people’s ideas to the contrary.

When I get going, one of my biggest bugbears is the TV, because in a few short decades it has enslaved the nation into believing whatever it tells you to believe. Television was once a benign form of entertainment, but no longer. Advertisers have hijacked the TV to get you to buy whatever its selling, politicians have used it to further their careers, political activists have used it to swell their passive armies of sympathizers, politically correct communists have used it to erode our freedom of speech and even our freedom of thought.

You could say I dislike the brainwashing monster that is television and all it stands for intensely.

You’d be right.

Edwyn Prose