Posted tagged ‘chair lift’

Stair Chair Lifts

July 16, 2009

You know, plenty of folks who are getting along in years and those with disabilities, as my last post made reference to, have a tough time getting up and down the stairs in their homes. My own parents had just that problem until we had a stair chair lift fitted to their main stairway.

The transformation was incredible. The pair of them went from just sitting around dejected and waiting for something to happen to being active and happy again. It was all down to the sudden freedom they once more enjoyed in their own home. That’s because long before we had the stair chair lift fitted, they had simply lost interest in many things simply because they couldn’t easily get around the house.

It saddens me to say that they had taken to sleeping downstairs in their sitting room because it had actually become too painful to climb the stairs to go to bed in their beloved bedroom which looked out over the beautiful grassy fields of the golf course opposite. Of course, they were too proud to tell anyone about it so the first I knew was on a particular visit to their home where I’d stayed on later than planned and asked to stay over night. Then the truth came out and the next day I went and did something about it.

You know, I found a good local stair lift company and the guys came out that day to take measurements. The installers came a day later with all the equipment and fitted it there and then. Sure, it took the day to get it all correctly installed and there was some mess, but it was all cleared up soon enough and the guys did a real professional job.

It was up and running by the evening and at first my mother was a little wary of it but she soon got the hang of it and was cruising up and down like a pro!

My father took to it straight away too and they were soon fighting over who got to ride it first!

Now that’s the kind of happy ending I like to see! So if you have a person with disabilities in the family or parents or loved ones who are keeping quiet about their ability to get around their own homes, for want of a good stair chair lift you can transform their lives for the better in one fell swoop!

Edwyn Prose