Archive for the ‘opinion’ category

Back in the Pink

July 27, 2010

Hey there, a small blip in the health department had me out of action just lately, but I’m back in the pink now and raring to go! I posted awhile back after the Christmas period that I wanted to lose some weight after putting on a few pounds over that festive season of goodwill to all men and good eating to regret later! Well, I soon lost it again so that wasn’t a problem for me.

I’ll tell you what is.

I had a short stay in hospital and my only real gripe was there was a TV in the room and for the life of me I couldn’t turn the blasted thing off! That was torture to yours truly who as you may or may not know cannot bear to be anywhere near a TV set. I hate TV with a vengeance!

There must be some kinda brainwashing policy going on in those institutions where they got a captive audience who are confined to their bed for awhile. All they can do is lay there staring at the moron-making box spewing out garbage shows that turn your brain to mush and more ads than you can deal with.

I came out of there a nervous wreck wanting to shop at Wal-Mart and badly needing a new Ford! What do folks who watch that trash all the time do? They must be totally whacked on that media drug that’s breeding a whole country of TV-fed ad-overloaded idiots is all I can say.

I bet your glad you heard I posted in this grumpy old guy blog, ain’t ya!

There’s nothing like a good rant about what’s wrong with this once great country. I bet Lincoln is turning in his grave at the way we have become slaves to the TV set. We don’t need an army to protect us from invaders, because we are being eaten away from the inside by the TV cancer that no one even believes is doing any harm.

Well, maybe by the time the day comes when we roll over and ask for our tummies to be rubbed as our enemies just stroll in and plant their flag at Capitol Hill, I’ll be dead and buried and turning in my grave as well.

End of anti-TV ran for today!

Edwyn Prose

Air Disaster Cover Up?

June 2, 2009

Hi again, its Edwyn Prose here once more with another post on what’s on my mind right now. This one is about plane crashes and air disaster cover-ups.

What has sparked this sudden urge to write about this? Well, unless you’re living in a Tibetan monastery you probably heard about the Air France plane that has just disappeared over the Atlantic ocean on route from Rio in Brazil to Paris, France

Yep, its one of those certainties in life that every now and then a news story is gonna flash up on the radio or in the newspapers about another airplane that fell out of the sky, or crashed on take off or on landing. Well this one just went and blipped off the radar and no one whose saying anything knows where the hell it is.

Its a tragedy sure, all those people are probably dead and their relatives are besides themselves with grief and anguish. Its also a mystery. Not just a mystery as to where it went, but also a mystery why the airline who damn well know more than they’re letting on still won’t say where they believe it is.

That leaves it wide open to speculation from nosy old grumps like me to have a stab at where I think it is.

Chances are it’s on the bottom of the Atlantic, unless the island in that Lost series has just been moved again and has popped up in the Atlantic Ocean right under where the plane went down. Yeah, fat chance! Do you think anyone survived? I don’t somehow and that’s not because I’m wishing any ill, I’m just being realistic. Think about it.

A plane crashes into the sea miles from any land. It they were lucky enough that the sea was dead calm, then the pilot might have been able to land the plane flat on the surface and give the passengers a chance to get out, slide down the shoots into inflatable life rafts. That is of course if the plane has life rafts…

Much more likely is the sea is choppy and even if the waves are only a foot or so high, no plane will land flat on them. It’ll nosedive into the water and quickly submerge, or break up if the wavers are two feet or more high. Water will quickly flood in and that’s that. there is no way out quick enough especially as the passengers will be so closely cramped together and the aisle too narrow for any chance of escape.

So chances are, everyone on board has drowned.

Why hasn’t the airline simply come out and admitted it? They don’t want to lose credibility, that’s why. People will be scared to fly and it will cost them money. Yep, its all down to the old evil green stuff, my friends! So if you’re wondering why no one seems to know anything concrete just yet, its unlikely that they don’t actually know, its just they’re not saying until they absolutely have to.

That’s my opinion, by the way. If you got another opinion, then write your own damn blog and don’t dare start commenting with crap arguments in here, cause I ain’t interested! Remember, I’m a damn grumpy old guy and I can get irate real quick with uninformed morons who like to comment just because they got nothing better to do.

So that’s my un-PC disclaimer!

Edwyn prose

Ergonomic Office Furniture for Comfort

February 7, 2009

Well I do a fair portion of my work from home these days as I’m supposed to be retired but I like to keep my hand in. So I have my own office at home and in here is where I keep my eye on my own former empire, while working on building up a new one (even though I’m not really supposed to be doing anything other than enjoying my retirement). Well, it makes doing this all the more comfortable because I have some ergonomic office furniture to make my life in my (semi) retirement years as comfy as possible!

So what is it all about, using this carefully adjusted and contoured office furniture? Its about comfort and nothing else, of course!

I’ve seen some absolutely terrible office furniture for sale in some of the cheap outlets like Wal Mart and Staples and while it looks ok and maybe for the first few weeks it’ll feel ok, I can tell just ny looking at it that its going to be damn uncomfortable for anyone who has to spend more than a few hours sitting in it every day.

Why would you waste good money on garbage like that just because it has a cheap price tag and looks good? Well, I guess they got you if you’re on a tight budget and you see something like a reclining office chair with real leather and you’re bowled over at the price if its under $100. Little do you know that the great looking piece of office furniture is going to give you a bad back within a few weeks of heavy use and probably will not seem like the bargain it was when you first bought it!

Bottom line id, folks, if you can afford to spend some more, then buy good quality office furniture, especially your office chair because your rear is going to be spending a lot of time on that seat and your back is similarly going to be spending a lot of time propped up against the back of the chair. A well fitting, ergonomic office chair with lumbar support is priceless for protecting your back and ensuring you sit with a good posture.

Its worth the extra money, believe me, I know!

Edwyn Prose

Training Shoes Abomination!

August 5, 2008

I like to hit hard with my titles and this one is pretty hard hitting! After my last attack on Why I Hate Television, I thought it a good idea to turn my attention onto the training shoes abomination that is going on in this world and not enough people are speaking out about it. Well, guess what I’m gonna do right here, right now!

Trainers, or training shoes as they probably should be correctly known as are made by some pretty high powered global companies like Nike, Adidas, Reebok and all the rest. They sell in the stores for some pretty fancy prices too! Which would be ok as the quality of some of them is pretty good so upon first glance the average person would think, “well they got a high price tag, so they must be well made” and they wouldn’t be too far off the mark.

What Mr and Mrs average don’t tend to realize is that those trainers with their fancy price tag were made in a sweat shop (a common term for a small, dingy, hot and overworked factory) somewhere in a far eastern country by a bunch of very poor people who probably makes less than a dollar for working a very long day. Often that can be 12-14 hours depending upon how cruel and swinish their slave driver employer happens to be. Those fancy trainers that were made for a few lousy cents are then sold on to the big time companies for massive profits. The same swine employers smile while they slip the ill-gotten profits into their well-lined pockets.

Yet these big companies still buy those trainers for less than a few dollars a pair.

Then they ship them here to the US, Canada and to Europe and sell them to the stores at a huge mark-up profit. And then the stores add their own huge mark-up. And you and me, well more correctly you (because I won’t touch them) end up paying often over a hundred dollars for something that kept a very poor person in poverty and that cost less than a dollar to actually make.

Stinks, doesn’t it?

Well it’s been stinking like rotting fish for a very long time and still only a handful of well meaning folks are lending their voice to this abomination. I can’t think of any other way to describe this unbelievable abuse of human beings for the profit of some evil slave driving bastards that run these sweat shops.

Well the good news, if you can call it that, is that some smaller companies are beginning to listen to those voices as they get louder and are moving production away from the far eastern sweat shops and buying them for a fair price from workers co-operatives that pay the workers a fair wage and don’t make them work such long hours. I say it would be good news if only more of the bigger companies would follow suit. Some are starting to but its too little and too slow.

Will this story have a happy ending?

Well I hope so, but knowing how greed and power corrupts the weak minded, where one sweat shop closes another ten will open and if they don’t make trainers, then they’ll probably switch to making something else. Like fake designer bags or fake vans shoes or fake designer shirts or whatever!

At least while all this fake rubbish is flooding into the markets its giving the big companies a nice well deserved headache!

Edwyn Prose

Why I Hate Television

July 17, 2008

Well, I hinted about this pet hate of mine in my first post on this blog Who Is Edwyn Prose?, so I’ll expand a bit on this right here now that I got some spare time to vent my anger at the way a perfectly good entertainment outlet has been abused by everyone and his dog hell bent on manipulating the public at large.

Whoah, does that sound like a bold statement or what?

Well, I’ll tell you folks, you’re being sucked in hook, line and sinker and what beggars belief is that you’re all falling for it without even questioning it. I can’t believe there are intelligent Americans out there who don’t have a clue what is being done to them and are quite happy to let it keep being done!

People, television is being used to brainwash you!

It’s been used like that since the earliest times, but its only in the last couple decades that politicians, advertisers and the like have figured out how to use it to manipulate and obfuscate a captive audience of millions of people. Ok, advertisers have the edge because they’ve been going at this for decades and they know all the angles. Yup, they can sell refrigerators to the Eskimos and make them grateful they bought the top of the line model with a built-in ice maker too! You betcha!

But more recently, politicians have seen the obvious opinion manipulation properties of this huge media monster and use it to its fullest ability. Hell, how many of you really voted for GWB last time around because you thought he was a great guy? After what he did in Iraq and the way he spent our tax dollars like confetti and then left us all heading for poverty with a rapidly devaluing dollar worldwide – oh yeah the American public was suckered right in there.

But its not just the political arena that’s the reason why I hate television – its the insidious leftie influence its having on our population.

Kids grow up with no respect for adults any more. The police are treated as a joke too. All this is because of television programs that show kids dissing adults and bad guys getting the better of the police. Kids watch that crap and believe it’s the way real life is, so they just go out and do what they see actors do on TV.

Is there someone to blame? Well, you might want to blame the people behind the TV shows that have degraded our society. Or you might want to blame the actors and actresses who portray the bad guys winning. Or you might want to blame the government for allow this to happen.

On Each count you would be wrong, wrong, wrong!

The only person to blame is yourself. The blame lies squarely at the feet of the parents who let their kids watch that crap without having the balls to stop them. Sure you could cite all kinds of excuses, but they’re all lame – a parent who lets their kids do what ever they want have lost the plot and are gonna end up with a new generation of adults with no respect for anything.

Don’t believe me?

I don’t mind if you don’t believe me – hell, why should you? You know best, right?

Just remember to turn the other way next time you see some kid shooting up heroine, or running over someone in a car they just jacked, or robbing a 7/11 with a gun, or beating the crap outta some poor defenseless old person. It ain’t your fault baby! Blame society or someone else cause it ain’t your fault your kids saw it on TV, right?

Don’t think television is the root of all evil?

Think again!

Edwyn Prose