Posted tagged ‘cockroaches’

Cockroach Control

May 5, 2009

Now you know me and I’m a straight talking guy and when it comes to something I don’t like the look of, I pretty well lay it on the table. We all know about the problems that some places face with cockroaches and why they need to get some good, long lasting cockroach control set up in there. This is one real annoyance that really made me mad and I’ll tell you why.

At a pretty well known steak restaurant here in town, they have a damn good reputation for their food, its quality and the service is second to none. My wife and I go there often and we always have an enjoyable night out. Well for what its worth, I got into a tangle with the owner over something pretty minor and asked to see the kitchen. You see my salad hadn’t been washed properly and there was greenfly on the lettuce. Well normally that wouldn’t have bothered me none, as I grow a lad of my own fruit and vegetables and I don’t use any sprays cause I like to eat my food chemical free. But I insisted on having a word with the chef about it and that’s when the fireworks started.

I went into the kitchen despite the protestations of the owner and the sight that greeted me was one I’ll never forget. The damn kitchen floor was crawling with damn cockroaches. I don’t mean a fleeting glimpse of one or two, I mean there had to be a dozen of the critters crawling around on there. I was stunned at first, then recovered and rounded on the owner. I told him that was the last time I was setting foot in his establishment and to expect a visit from the local health department.

Well, that episode just goes to show that you never know where you’re eating. Doesn’t matter if the service is great and the food is always good. If they don’t practice correct cockroach control, then the little critters’ll get in there and get all over the food, causing a real health risk. Roaches carry salmonella and diphtheria, so you can get sick if you eat food that they have gotten into, which is why its so important for any establishment that handles food to practice effective cockroach control to ensure the cleanliness and safety of the food they serve their customers.

Edwyn Prose