Posted tagged ‘solar yard lights’

Solar Yard Lights

September 4, 2008

When I was worried about the security of my home a while back, I considered the many possibilities concerning the outdoor lighting to cover the patio, back yard, side areas and driveway of the property. There were plenty of options available, but there was one problem that was stopping me from paying out a lot of money to have outdoor security lights fitted.

That problem was power cuts. We get them every now and then in my town and when that goes down, the whole block or an even wider area can be without lights for an hour or more at night. Now that’s pretty scary if you’re thinking about how you’re gonna deter burglars from skulking around your property and using the cover of darkness to get up to no good.

So I settled on a solution that really works. I opted for solar yard lights to act as a security measure as well as simply lighting up the outdoor area of my property. It works every time without fail and I’m more than happy with the system.

Solar lights in my system are all hooked up to a large deep-cycle battery that gets charged up from a solar panel array during the day. The panels provide enough charge to keep the batteries full and they in turn provide all the electrical needs of the solar yard lights to keep them switched on and bright for the whole night.

When a power cut happens, my solar yard lights remain bright while my neighbors places are in darkness. I know it sounds a little morbid, but if there are any burglars loitering about when a power cut goes down, they’re more likely to target the neighbors who are in darkness rather than risk being seen in the brightly glowing illumination of my place!

Edwyn Prose