Posted tagged ‘Mens Wigs and Fashion’

Mens Wigs and Fashion

July 21, 2009

What’s this all about? Mens wigs? Well you’re probably wondering why I’ve picked on this subject for some of my unique insight and interesting views. Ha! Well, nothing so crazy this time around either as it just struck me while I was reading a magazine article about them that there is actually something interesting to write about men’s wigs!

Its not so much the hairpieces themselves, but more the current fashion ideals that have changed quite considerably in the last 30 years or so. You see, back in the 60s and 70s when young fellers were growing their hair long in response to the fashion at the time, it became quite a stigma to be going bald prematurely as is more common in young men than you’d probably think.

Back then, it was seen as a slight to have thinning hair and to have to drop out of the fashion scene because you had to get it cut shorter because you’d end up looking like a freak with a rapidly receding hairline and long hair trailing down the back of their necks like it was a silly wig sliding off the back of their heads!

Well, to counter that effect, plenty of young guys bought and wore men’s wigs to try to sustain their fashion sense and be appealing to the young women that they were naturally still chasing!

But fashions change with the times and the last 10 years or so has seen a shift to a much shorter haircut once more and also to the shaved head look as being seen as a more sexually aggressive look which has the effect of attracting women more successfully than most other things. This has been excellent news for young guys that are prematurely balding because it means all they have to do is shave the rest off and they are in the height of fashion!

That’s bad news for the mens wigs companies, but they won’t be hit too hard. There are still plenty of middle aged and older men who are trying to hold the clock back by covering their receding or thinning hairlines with matching wigs and hairpieces, often quite successfully I might add. See: for more information.

No, I don’t wear a wig myself and never would, as I think if you’re getting older, then hell, act and look your damn age! OK, I guess I’ve been pretty lucky in that my hair didn’t all fall out, although its a lot thinner now than it was and of course its almost pure white! But them when you’re in your 60s, who gives a rats ass! Ha!

Edwyn Prose