Posted tagged ‘airplane crash’

Air Disaster Cover Up?

June 2, 2009

Hi again, its Edwyn Prose here once more with another post on what’s on my mind right now. This one is about plane crashes and air disaster cover-ups.

What has sparked this sudden urge to write about this? Well, unless you’re living in a Tibetan monastery you probably heard about the Air France plane that has just disappeared over the Atlantic ocean on route from Rio in Brazil to Paris, France

Yep, its one of those certainties in life that every now and then a news story is gonna flash up on the radio or in the newspapers about another airplane that fell out of the sky, or crashed on take off or on landing. Well this one just went and blipped off the radar and no one whose saying anything knows where the hell it is.

Its a tragedy sure, all those people are probably dead and their relatives are besides themselves with grief and anguish. Its also a mystery. Not just a mystery as to where it went, but also a mystery why the airline who damn well know more than they’re letting on still won’t say where they believe it is.

That leaves it wide open to speculation from nosy old grumps like me to have a stab at where I think it is.

Chances are it’s on the bottom of the Atlantic, unless the island in that Lost series has just been moved again and has popped up in the Atlantic Ocean right under where the plane went down. Yeah, fat chance! Do you think anyone survived? I don’t somehow and that’s not because I’m wishing any ill, I’m just being realistic. Think about it.

A plane crashes into the sea miles from any land. It they were lucky enough that the sea was dead calm, then the pilot might have been able to land the plane flat on the surface and give the passengers a chance to get out, slide down the shoots into inflatable life rafts. That is of course if the plane has life rafts…

Much more likely is the sea is choppy and even if the waves are only a foot or so high, no plane will land flat on them. It’ll nosedive into the water and quickly submerge, or break up if the wavers are two feet or more high. Water will quickly flood in and that’s that. there is no way out quick enough especially as the passengers will be so closely cramped together and the aisle too narrow for any chance of escape.

So chances are, everyone on board has drowned.

Why hasn’t the airline simply come out and admitted it? They don’t want to lose credibility, that’s why. People will be scared to fly and it will cost them money. Yep, its all down to the old evil green stuff, my friends! So if you’re wondering why no one seems to know anything concrete just yet, its unlikely that they don’t actually know, its just they’re not saying until they absolutely have to.

That’s my opinion, by the way. If you got another opinion, then write your own damn blog and don’t dare start commenting with crap arguments in here, cause I ain’t interested! Remember, I’m a damn grumpy old guy and I can get irate real quick with uninformed morons who like to comment just because they got nothing better to do.

So that’s my un-PC disclaimer!

Edwyn prose