Posted tagged ‘I hate TV’

Back in the Pink

July 27, 2010

Hey there, a small blip in the health department had me out of action just lately, but I’m back in the pink now and raring to go! I posted awhile back after the Christmas period that I wanted to lose some weight after putting on a few pounds over that festive season of goodwill to all men and good eating to regret later! Well, I soon lost it again so that wasn’t a problem for me.

I’ll tell you what is.

I had a short stay in hospital and my only real gripe was there was a TV in the room and for the life of me I couldn’t turn the blasted thing off! That was torture to yours truly who as you may or may not know cannot bear to be anywhere near a TV set. I hate TV with a vengeance!

There must be some kinda brainwashing policy going on in those institutions where they got a captive audience who are confined to their bed for awhile. All they can do is lay there staring at the moron-making box spewing out garbage shows that turn your brain to mush and more ads than you can deal with.

I came out of there a nervous wreck wanting to shop at Wal-Mart and badly needing a new Ford! What do folks who watch that trash all the time do? They must be totally whacked on that media drug that’s breeding a whole country of TV-fed ad-overloaded idiots is all I can say.

I bet your glad you heard I posted in this grumpy old guy blog, ain’t ya!

There’s nothing like a good rant about what’s wrong with this once great country. I bet Lincoln is turning in his grave at the way we have become slaves to the TV set. We don’t need an army to protect us from invaders, because we are being eaten away from the inside by the TV cancer that no one even believes is doing any harm.

Well, maybe by the time the day comes when we roll over and ask for our tummies to be rubbed as our enemies just stroll in and plant their flag at Capitol Hill, I’ll be dead and buried and turning in my grave as well.

End of anti-TV ran for today!

Edwyn Prose